Rules and Regulations
The regulations surrounding the catch of North Atlantic Cod in the Gulf of Maine (GOM) are constantly adapting to fit the changing data. Beginning with the Magnuson Act in 1976, the cod population was grouped in with all groundfish in the GOM. In 2006 after the Magnuson Act was reformed, stock assessments of all groundfish were conducted. Although the cod population had been declining since the 1980s due to overfishing, the numbers… Read More
Gulf of Maine Law Enforcement
The National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration Office of Law Enforcement (NOAA OLE) enforces fishing regulations in the Gulf of Maine. Established in 1930, the NOAA OLE is responsible for the protection of the marine ecosystem and most of the national sea life around the United States. The NOAA OLE has six divisions, each maintaining watch over a different region of U.S. coastal waters, including Alaska, Hawaii, Pacific territories, and Caribbean territories, adding up… Read More